For over 60 years, you have trusted our team of advisers for travel arrangements. Our impressive fleet of buses and minibuses can meet all your rental needs within the school context.
Rent a bus with a driver for your employees
Do you want to rent a bus or minibus with driver for a business trip?
Depending on the size of your group and the distance to travel, we offer you the most suitable vehicles for your travel in the best conditions possible. Our drivers’ professionalism and know-how will make for a smooth journey and give you total peace of mind.
Travel, mobility solutions, trips and incentives
Tailor-made incentive travel
Incentive trip, seminar at the beginning of each year, team cohesion or team building? Spend some pleasant time with your employees.
Residence planning and programme logistics
Our DMC (Destination Management Company) department specialises in organising business trips.
Company's shuttle bus on request
A corporate shuttle service provides companies with a tailor-made group transport service with a driver